Day Fourteen – Imagine the last place you were lost, what would it be like to live there?

Why did I choose such a busy month to start this challenge! Oh well, no excuses here I go.

With smart phones and portable chargers, it is hard to ever feel lost these days. I was going to think about a time when I felt “lost” emotionally, until I remembered my last trip to Asheville.

I have been to Asheville, NC many times and know my way around the city pretty well. This time, I was staying in the mountains in an idyllic cabin with no internet or cable, just a comfortable bed and tons of books. I decided this was the perfect time to turn my phone completely off and go a weekend off the grid.

And it was pure bliss.


Until my travel buddy couldn’t get service on our way to hike a different mountain, and we were driving up a steep, gravel road and I was hangry and yelling.

If I lived in the mountains of North Carolina, I would not go phone free all the time. But I would like to think I would be less tempted to pick it up (unless it was to take pictures of the gorgeous scenery). I can imagine a calm, serene lifestyle where I take trips at random up small, winding roads to nowhere, with snacks in hand of course.

Next time I go, I will definitely try my disconnect again. But I will also make the conscious effort to connect to where I am and embrace the “lost” experience.

2 thoughts on “Day Fourteen – Imagine the last place you were lost, what would it be like to live there?

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